The Long History of Dani Moonstar and Rahne Sinclair’s Queer-Coded Relationship

L. M. Brake
13 min readJul 11, 2023


When discussing the queer-coding of either Dani Moonstar or Rahne Sinclair in Marvel Comics, it is near impossible to mention one but not the other. This is because the queer-coding of both these characters is so intertwined, due to the nature of their long and very close relationship with one another. In fact, “close” does not truly cut it when describing their connection.

Teenage Sweethearts

Dani and Rahne are both introduced to the world of Marvel by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod in Marvel Graphic Novel #4: The New Mutants. It is in this graphic novel that the two first realize they have a bond deeper than the others; a psychic rapport that only grows with time. This psychic rapport becomes useful in battle, as the two are able to communicate telepathically with each other, and sense one another’s feelings.

The graphic novel is the jumping-off point into The New Mutants (1983) series, in which the two instantly become friends. In Issue #1, Dani has trouble acclimating to her new life at Xavier’s school, and Rahne is the only one to notice and console her. After Dani runs away, Rahne hunts her down in her mutant wolf form, and comments that Dani has “a very nice scent”. Rahne says that she sometimes wishes she could be in her wolf form all the time, to which Dani responds that she’d miss her. The two bond over realizing they have an isolated past in common.

[Image ID: Four panels of Dani Moonstar and Rahne Sinclair talking in the yard of Xavier’s school. Dani is visibly upset.
Panel 1:
Rahne says: “Are y’okay, Dani?”
Dani says: “Sure. Why shouldn’t I be?”
Rahne says: “You ran away so suddenly, w’out explanation. I was worried.”
Dani says: “Did the others send you?”
Panel 2:
Rahne says: “No. I came on my own.”
Dani says: “They didn’t care, huh?”
Rahne says: “Don’t be daft. It’s just they had no idea anything was wrong.”
Dani says: “And you knew better?”
Rahne says: “Aye. In wolf form, I could tell from yuir scent. Y’have a very nice scent, y’know. I like it. Oh, Dani, it’s so neat! I can see an’ hear an’ taste an’ smell so many things as a wolf that I ne’er dreamed existed!”]

However, as time goes on, it becomes easier and easier to read between the lines and see them as more than just friends.

In Issue #12, Rahne and Dani are referred to as “soulmates” for the first time. This is no one-off thing, but rather a repetitious description of their relationship through their entire comic existence. It is a description both used in exposition blocks, as well as what they call each other in speech, and what others call them.
The concept of a soulmate is that of a person which you share a natural affinity with. A bond that runs so deep that it touches your very being of existence. This is usually used in the context of a romantic partner, because a soulmate is someone so perfect for you that it is impossible not to love them.

They refer to one another with other loving terms as well. Issue #48 sends half the group into an alternate future, and Rahne meets an adult Dani who wants nothing to do with her. Rahne asks why, only to find out that in this world, Rahne died, and left Future-Dani broken inside. Before they depart, Future-Dani calls young Rahne “My heart”. In Issue #86, Rahne calls Dani “Love” while consoling her over the damage Hela did when using Dani like a puppet.

The two stick up for each other, when no one else does. In Issue #27, Dani defends Rahne from her childhood abuser, Reverend Craig. In Issue #37, Rahne begs the New Mutants to stop making light of a film slaughtering Natives for sport, trying to get them to empathize with how Dani is affected seeing such a display.

In Issue #33, their bond is so powerful that Rahne is able to snap out of her mind-control, instead of attacking Dani. And when Dani is captured and mind-controlled herself, Rahne too falls back into it, because of their link.

When they are both in a dark place, they seek solace in each other in Issue #52. Dani takes Rahne for a ride on her flying horse, Brightwind — something she has not done with anyone else for recreation, ever.

[Image ID: Dani Moonstar and Rahne Sinclair ride on the back of Dani’s flying horse, Brightwind. Dani is waving her cowboy hat in the air, while Rahne clutches onto Dani’s waist and looks at the ground below them. Dani says, “It’s a lovely day, Furtop! Let’s enjoy it!”]

Even their body language, the way in which they are illustrated together, speaks of a young couple. In Issue #38, they share a subtle kiss.

[Image ID: Dani Moonstar kisses Rahne Sinclair on the cheek while hugging her from the side. Dani says, “Goodnight, Wolfsbane.”]

In Issue #44, Dani is able to sense Rahne in pain all the way from Scotland. When they reunite, Warlock, who is an alien learning human behavior and is sometimes used for exposition purposes to describe relationships, observes their embrace with the thought-bubble of two hearts.

[Image ID: Rahne Sinclair falls into Dani Moonstar’s lap, hugging her tightly. Warlock stretches himself overhead, looking down at the two girls with the thought bubble displaying two hearts.]

In Issue #58, Rahne falls asleep on Dani’s back.

[Image ID: Dani Moonstar, Sam Guthrie, and Doug Ramsey are watching television while lying on the floor. Rahne Sinclair rests her head on Dani’s back, asleep.]

Their time together as New Mutants in this age does not last forever, though. After their second adventure in Asgard, Dani departs from the team in Issue #87, when Liefeld takes over.

Another moment worth mentioning in this era though, comes from the Marvel Comics Presents (1988) series. In Issue #22’s story “Suffer a Wolf to Live”, Rahne invites Dani to travel to Scotland with her on summer vacation. When Rahne disappears, Dani’s mutation manifests her worst fear; Rahne’s death. Thankfully the two are happily reunited by the end of the story, of course.

At this age, Dani and Rahne are inseparable. They cherish each other’s company in good times, and draw strength from each other in bad times. They are a textbook example of teenage sweethearts.

But with new writers and new interpretations of their characters as they grow older, things change.

Parting Ways

Rahne floats around different X-Teams for a while, but Dani falls out of use by comic writers after her part in late-stage X-Force (1991) ends. They go a while without seeing each other.

The New Mutants: Truth or Death (1997) limited series tells a story of the past New Mutants visiting their present selves, due to time-travel shenanigans. There is one scene worth pointing out in this three-issue story in regards to Dani and Rahne’s romantic coding: When Sam assumes that Rahne might still have a crush on him, and welcomes her with open arms, its Dani’s arms that Rahne falls into instead.

[Image ID: Two panels of the New Mutants greeting Rahne Sinclair at the airport. Rahne runs into Dani’s arms for a big hug.
Panel 1:
Sam thinks: “Wow! Rahne sure has changed over the years! She looks awesome! Ah know she used ta have a crush on me when we were kids. Maybe she still does?
Sam says: “Well, Ah’ll be! If it ain’t mah favourite Werewolf! Wassup — “
Panel 2:
Sam says: “ — Gal?”
Rahne says, while hugging Dani: Och, get o’er here an’ gimme a hug already! Oooh! I’ve missed ye so much!”]

Another exception of them actually together is X-Men Unlimited (1993) Issue #43, which takes place after Rahne has lost her powers. She ends up in the hospital, and Dani comes to visit her, sharing that their psychic bond is still intact, despite the loss of Rahne’s powers. This is proof that their bond goes deeper than their mutant gifts, as far as I’m concerned…

[Image ID: Two panels of Rahne Sinclair lying in a hospital bed with a bandage on her forehead. She speaks to Dani Moonstar, off-panel.
Panel 1:
Rahne says: “Dani? What’re you doing here?”
Dani says: “Hate t’say it, but fast healing isn’t the only thing left over from your life as Wolfsbane. There’s still a psychic bond between us. When you got clobbered, I felt it.
Panel 2:
Rahne says: “Oh. The things y’forget. About this bond — d’ y’feel everything that I do?
Dani says: “Don’t ask, won’t tell.”
Rahne says: “May I die now, please?”
Dani says: “Get some rest, Rahne.”
Rahne says: “Plenty of time for that later. I want my clothes, please. I’m leaving.”]

…Which is why I really do not like that this is retconned soon after, in New Mutants (2003). In this series, they are finally reunited long-term, but unfortunately, things start to take a huge turn for the worst between them. Rahne is written as an entirely new person, struggling with the loss of her powers and her adopted mother, Moira. While Dani has grown to be a guardian of the students at Xavier’s School, Rahne is “angry and impulsive” as Dani observes.

Rahne gets her powers back though, and joins the faculty of the school along with Dani in New X-Men (2004). On the surface, things appear to fall back into place like they were when they were children; for example, in Issue #3, when Emma Frost suggests Dani leave the school, Rahne lashes out in Dani’s defence. But behind closed doors, things are much more complicated. Rahne is in an on-off relationship with one of the students; Josh Foley. Now, keep in mind that Rahne is only 19, but the teacher-student dynamic is certainly problematic… as is the fact that Dani is legally Josh’s guardian, after his parents gave him up.

Things come to a head in Issue #12, when Rahne and Josh’s relationship is brought to Scott’s and Emma’s attention. Dani is of course nearly speechless, says she doesn’t even know Rahne anymore, and leaves the room in a hurry to check in with Josh. When they next see each other, Rahne is ready to run away from the school. Dani tries to convince Rahne to stay, despite how furious she is, but Rahne feels like she’s ruined their relationship beyond repair.

[Image ID: Four panels of Rahne Sinclair preparing to leave the school on her motorbike, while talking to Dani Moonstar.
Panel 1:
Rahne says: “I called it off, Dani. But obviously, the damage was done. I thought I’d found my place as a teacher, but I guess the mistakes I made getting there make that impossible.”
Panel 2:
Dani says: “As angry as I am, I don’t think you should leave. The Rahne Sinclair I knew… if she found what she wanted… she’d never leave it without a fight.”
Panel 3:
Rahne says: “I suppose. But then again, you don’t know me, do you? For what it’s worth, I really am sorry, Dani. You’re like a sister to me… and I ruined that.”
Panel 4:
Dani watches Rahne drive off and out of the gate of the school on her motorbike.]

I’ve read enough comic book break-ups to recognize one when I see it, and this unquestionably reads like a break-up.

After this point, the two stay their separate ways for quite some time. Rahne gets involved with more various X-Teams, while Dani yet again falls into obscurity after she loses her powers, save for her time in New Mutants (2009).

The two are reunited again after more than a real-life decade, in Uncanny X-Men (2019), as of Issue #12. But it doesn’t last very long, because Rosenberg kills Rahne off-panel in Issue #16. Dani collapses to the ground in agony, screaming “Wolfsbane is dead!” She feels Rahne’s death through their psychic rapport. We find out through a flashback in Issue #17 that she was attacked by a group of men who at first sexually harassed her, then when they found out she was a mutant, turned violent and accused her of trying to “trap them”. (Yes, it should be noted that the language and actions here mirror real-life transphobic violence.) Dani is the last to speak at her funeral, saying that she may not believe in much anymore, but she believed in Rahne.

A New Beginning

With the relaunch of all the X-Men titles in the current Krakoa era, comes New Mutants (2020). This series, like many others of this relaunch, harkens back to the classics in a lot of ways — including restoring Rahne and Dani’s relationship before their break-up, especially after Ayala finally takes over, starting in Issue #14.

Rahne is particularly excited about what a fresh start means living on Krakoa, after going through a lot of trauma over the course of her comic history. That is, up until the Quiet Council refuses to bring her son back to life. She goes to Dani for comfort, and Dani promises that they will find a way to bring Tier back together. Dani soothes Rahne by calling her “sweetheart” and promises “I’m always with you.” And while they have a bit of a tiff over Dani struggling to balance her responsibilities with her ties to Rahne, they overcome it in a short time with ease.

In the Marvel’s Voices: Indigenous Voices (2021) story, “Mirage: Multifaceted”, Dani is called to help out an Indigenous mutant youth who has just developed his powers. Rahne tags along. As an Indigenous person, I love this story for far more important reasons than just the depiction of Dani and Rahne’s relationship. But focusing on it, one must point out how sweet it is to hear Dani refer to Rahne as “family”. Additionally, at the beginning of the issue, Rahne mentions how she’d love to go to a fairgrounds with Dani sometime, and fantasizes about Dani winning her a prized stuffed bear. At the end of the issue, Dani gifts Rahne a stuffed bear just like she wanted.

Back in New Mutants (2020), in Issue #23, Rahne’s mind is taken over by the Shadow King, convinced that the other New Mutants are monsters trying to hurt young Amahl Farouk. But through Dani’s declaration of love, she breaks free.

[Image ID: Three panels of Dani Moonstar trying to calm Rahne Sinclair down from protecting the man who is mind-controlling her.
Panel 1:
Dani says, while appearing to Rahne as a monster: “You know me, little wolf, better than anyone else, and I know you. We are connected, heart and soul.”
Panel 2:
Dani says: “Feel me now, and know the truth.”
Amahl Farouk, off panel, says: “No.”
Dani returns to a normal appearance and says, while caressing Rahne’s face: “I love you, Rahne. And I will fight for you and alongside you until my last breath.”]

Dani finds Rahne wallowing in self-hate in Issue #24. Rahne asks how Dani can even stand to be near her, after everything she has done wrong in her life. Rahne says she feels unworthy and not good enough for Dani, while her thoughts project an image of Dani dressed up for the Hellfire Gala, smiling. Dani assures that Rahne is a good person, then follows by saying they will always be together.

[Image ID: Dani Moonstar and Rahne Sinclair lean in together and touch foreheads. Dani says, “And as for you and me… the sun rises in the east, the moon reflects the light of the sun, and you, little wolf, are enough. You’ve always been enough, and we will be together, always.”]

It is a discussion that was a long-time coming, and so very needed to clear the air between them, after they have been separated for so long. It ties up so many chapters left unfinished in their individual character development — especially for Rahne — and leaves the door open for a bright future ahead.

The Film & the Future

Under no circumstances do I recommend The New Mutants (2020) film, as it is very racist both behind the scenes and on screen. Also, it is just genuinely very poorly done in every aspect. But when discussing Rahne and Dani’s queer-coding, it is only relevant to bring up the fact that in this film, there is no coding about it. They blatantly become a couple, sealed with a kiss under the stars.

This begs the question: Why won’t the editors at Marvel let these characters actually come out in the comics? There is precedence of it happening with other long-time queer-coded pairs, like Julio Richter and Shatterstar for example, who became a canonically confirmed couple in X-Factor (2006). I have no doubt there are writers willing to make it happen for Dani and Rahne… if only they were given the opportunity.



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